10. Be open to God's leading

Last week we saw how Joseph's brothers sold him to Ishmaelite slave traders and how they then continued with their scam by lying to their father about Joseph. They brought back his tunic, dipped in goat's blood, insinuating that Joseph was killed by a wild animal. This broke their father and he mourned for a very long time, sitting in sackcloth. This didn't even convince them to tell him the truth; they were too deep into their lies and couldn't back away then.

In the meantime poor Joseph was taken to Egypt and sold as a slave there. We don't know what was going through Joseph's mind at this stage, but it must have been frightening for him. He had never been far away from home, and now he found himself in the most civilized and biggest place in the world at that point. It must have been very intimidating for him. And to top it all off he was all alone, without his family close by and he had to work as a slave. So what his mindset was at this stage we don't know. But it must have been a very tough time for this young man. After all he was just seventeen years old.

BUT GOD. He was with Joseph in a mighty way:

"The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful man. And his master saw that they Lord was with him and that the Lord made all he did to prosper in his hand. So Joseph found favor in his sight and served him. Then he made him overseer of his house and all that he had, that the Lord blessed the Egyptian's house for Joseph's sake; and the blessing of the Lord was on all that he had in the house and in the field. Thus he left all that he had in Joseph's hand, and he did not know what he had except for the bread which he ate." Genesis 39:2-6

God used a terrible situation and turned it around for Joseph. God gave Joseph favor with Potiphar and He blessed his house and his field for Joseph's sake. How amazing is that? Joseph also did so well, that Potiphar made him overseer over his whole household. Joseph had no experience, he had no knowledge of running a household, but because God was with him, He helped him every step of the way.  God promoted Joseph to a new level. And I truly believe it was because Joseph was open to being used by God and he allowed God to work through him. Potiphar's only concern every day was what he was going to eat! Joseph was on top of everything else. It truly is amazing given his age and work experience. God was there with him, every step of the way!

When we are open to God's leading and ready to be used by Him, He will work through us for the glory of His Kingdom. I know that God will use situations in our lives that we deem as terrible and even devastating, to work out His good. He promises us in Romans 8:28 that He will do that for us:

"…all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."

All things, good and bad things, will work out for our good if we love God. Isn't it an amazing promise? We just need to continue giving our best and walking alongside God just as Joseph did. And we needn't be qualified for the job, we simply need to have a heart for God, then He will provide us with all the skills we need to do what He has laid out for us to do. For example, I am not a good writer. I really am not. I am a Chartered Accountant, so my strong point is number crunching. I am not really that strong in languages. And yet, I have written twelve books now and more than 500 devotions, and that is only because God wanted me to and led me to do it. It is truly supernatural, as I am not naturally gifted in this area. And God will do the same for you. If you truly want to exalt Him in all that you do, He will use you mightily for His Kingdom. He will give you the skills set that you need, do not be afraid. All that He wants to bless you with is on the other side of fear. So be courageous and allow God to work through you in wonderful ways. He wants to and will truly help you. Then you can give all glory to Him and exalt Him in every area of your life.

Father thank you that You are with us every day of the week. Thank you that You have good plans for us, that You want to use us in every single way. Use us Lord, lead us unto Your paths everlasting. We want to portray Your Kingdom to others, give us the skills set that we need to be able to do that. We love You. Amen


2 comments for “10. Be open to God's leading”

  1. Gravatar of RonelleRonelle
    Posted Tuesday, 16 November 2021 at 10:11:00 AM

    God het nooit gese dat ons geen probleme gaan he nie, MAAR dat Hy elke oomblik saam met ons in ons swaarkry is, en dit ten goede sal laat meewerk...

  2. Gravatar of MariMari
    Posted Wednesday, 17 November 2021 at 2:23:56 PM

    My ondervinding is dat God jou juis gebruik in n rigting waarin jy nie opgelei is. En as jy Hom gehoorsaam dan staan jy verstom oor waartoe jy instaat was. Ek het altyd geweet dat dit net deur God was dat ek tot sekere dinge instaat was. So al die lof & eer behoort net aan Hom. So, wees gehoorsaam aan Hom & jy sal verstom staan.

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