43. Easter 2013 - Jesus is alive

I was about to continue with my series of Moses today, but the Holy Spirit gently nudged me to write something else for Easter. So what I am about to write comes directly from Him to you in this wonderful Easter time.

Easter and Christmas is the only two holidays kept by the majority of countries. Even if they don't celebrate it for the right reasons, they have a public holiday on these two occasions. And I think that is amazing! Jesus is the only human being who ever lived whose birth and death is commemorated. That is really a testimony to His greatness. And as we celebrate Easter this weekend we need to focus again on Who He was and what He did for us.

By His death He opened the way of salvation to us all, He joined the Gentiles and believing Israel into one family, He set us free from the power of sin, He created a new person inside us all who believe, He formed us as part of His Body, He paid the blood price for His Bride and He took the punishment of sin upon Himself and opened the way for us all into the very presence of God the Father. He did this all because He loved us and still loves us.

And today I experience that the Holy Spirit wants us to focus on all this this Easter, but especially on the fact that Jesus is alive! He is really and truly alive! He rose on the third day from the grave and He appeared in His glorified Body to several of His disciples and followers. There was no denying that He did in fact rose from the grave. And we need to focus on that and be excited for all that lies ahead for us because He did.

Because Jesus is alive, we will be alive forevermore. We can experience heaven today, because we are part of the Body of Christ Who are seated at the right hand of God the Father. Because He is alive we can look forward to a King reigning in a Kingdom without end. We can look forward to a life without heartache, without sickness, without tears and without pain. We can look forward with excitement to a life without injustice and without corruption and poverty. We can look forward to the wedding of all ages, because Christ, our Bridegroom, is alive!

"For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. And the government will rest on His shoulders. These will be His royal titles: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. His ever expanding, peaceful government will never end. He will rule forever with fairness and justice from the throne of His ancestor David. The passionate commitment of the Lord Almighty will guarantee this!" Isaiah 9:6,7

I feel an excitement welling up inside of me and I hope you do to when you read this. Jesus is alive and He is going to reign forevermore! He will have the government on His shoulders and we can be certain that He will be fair and kind. But more than that we are His faithful Bride and He will tenderly love us forever and ever. He longs for that day and so should we! It is going to be a glorious day. And therefore we need to pray along with the Lord's prayer that 'Thy Kingdom come' and also pray along with the second last verse of the Bible:

"Jesus who is the faithful witness to all these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon!" Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!" Revelation 22:20

Amen! Come Lord Jesus! Let thy Kingdom come! We love You and we long for You to come and take over. We know that Your reign is good and fair and we cannot wait for that day! Help us to be the faithful Bride that You desire. Amen

2 comments for “43. Easter 2013 - Jesus is alive”

  1. Gravatar of HenriHenri
    Posted Friday, 29 March 2013 at 8:37:40 AM

    The last sentence of Isaiah 9:6,7 struck me 'the passionate commitment of the Lord Almighty will guarantee this'. We have so many assurances? what more do we need?

  2. Gravatar of RonelleRonelle
    Posted Friday, 29 March 2013 at 8:56:54 AM

    This message brought tears to my eyes, because we are so blessed by His price that He paid for OUR sins, so that we do not have to suffer. May we live a life or jubliation in the Lord our Saviour!

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