54. Prayer for South Africa

My children in South Africa, you need to let go of the past. Let go of the pain and let go of regrets. Forgive, learn from mistakes and move on, stronger in Me. My children, also give the future to Me. It is safe in My hands. Let go of worry, anxiety and stress. I live in eternity and only I can see and influence the future. No one else can. Therefore let go of all stressful situations playing out in your head, it is harmful and can do no good. Rather stand up in every corner of the country and pray the following:

Father God we wonder how we managed to exist without the knowledge of Your parenthood and Your loving care. But now we are children begotten of the promised Seed and we are never alone, because Father God You're here beside us. You have always been and You always will be. The future is in Your mighty hands, and therefore we don't need to stress and fret over it. All we have is the here and now. Please help us to use the present moment to the best of our ability and to glorify Your Name and not to satisfy our own agendas. The now is all we have and we surrender it to You. We give our lives to You to guide us onto Your loving path and plan for our lives and for the destiny of South Africa. The past is gone and to cling on to it is like clinging onto something that is dead. Please help us to let the past go. You know that holding onto the past can hinder our spiritual progress and in turn hinder our walk with You, that is why You tell us in Your Word that we should let it go. Please help us to do just that. The past is only there to learn from, the past is there to highlight our mistakes and to help us to use a different avenue next time to the glory of Your Name. With the past gone and the future still a mystery, help us to live in the present moment where You are, the great I AM. The present moment is beautiful, fresh and new and we know that if we live without regrets and unforgiveness of the past and without anxiety of the future we can make such a big difference in this lovely land of ours.

Father we therefore pray that a wave of forgiveness will sweep through the land. We pray that we will all forget about the past, forget about the injustices done and forget about what was legislated. We pray that we will all learn the lessons You want us to learn in order for us to move on to a better place.

We pray that all anxiety, fear and negativity about the future of our precious land will evaporate and that You will teach us once again, to fully rely on You. Only in You lies the true future and in God we fully trust. We trust that You know best, we trust that You are in control, we trust in Your coming Kingdom and that we are a part of You.

We pray that a mighty sense of 'presence' fill each of us today. Help us to look around today and be lead by Your mighty Spirit to reach out where we see need, instead of being consumed by anger of the past or anxiety about the future. Free us from the demonic forces that want to keep us trapped in either. Keep us safely in the freedom of Your Spirit. Because only in Your Spirit is there true freedom to live as Your children in a dark world.

We pray that You will be the centre point in the coming elections in our land. We pray that even though Your Name would for the most part not be mentioned by the main political parties, that the flag of Your Name wave high. We exalt Your Name above all names and we proclaim You King over South Africa. We proclaim that You are Ruler over our country and we pray that Your will be done in South Africa just as it is in heaven. We declare that the powers of darkness have no control anymore, but that You and Your angels of light will take over and rule our land.

We thank you for the anointed task of praying over our country and we thank you that You are here, powerful and mighty, ready to hear our prayer.

Thank you for Your tender loving care and help us to look up to You and not at the situation at hand. You are mighty and powerful and You are in control.

And thank you that we can know that the plans that You have towards us, are plans for good and not disaster, to give us a future and a hope.

In Jesus' mighty Name


2 comments for “54. Prayer for South Africa”

  1. Gravatar of HenriHenri
    Posted Friday, 14 February 2014 at 9:22:27 AM

    The miracle of 1994 was brought about by the prayers of devouted christians throughout South Africa. We need to pray in the run up to the elections that GOD will provide us with leaders who have a living relationship with the living God.

  2. Gravatar of Ronelle WieseRonelle Wiese
    Posted Tuesday, 18 February 2014 at 7:59:13 AM

    Amen! Awesome message, especially in the run up to the elections xxx

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