87. Vision received on 22 April

On Saturday 22 April during the prayer meeting in Bloemfontein, God showed me the following:

He showed me thousands upon thousands of men and women standing up for Him. He showed me how their clothing changed into royal robes. The men were transformed into kings and the ladies into queens. They shone forth the radiance of God Himself. This happened the moment they let go of reigning in their own lives and giving God first place.

All around the masses of people were a whirling wind, just like a massive tornado, yet it stood still all around the people. It didn't move from side to side, but stood stationery with its forceful wind. This whirling wind protected the people from the onslaughts of the evil ones. All their weapons came to naught. It was similar to the wall of fire that protected the Israelites from the Egyptians in front of the Red Sea. The enemy forces coming against Christians in South Africa were thrown into absolute turmoil and confusion. Anarchy reigned amongst them; they were totally overwhelmed by the power displayed by God and His people uniting together.

Then I saw a massive golden shield appearing in the sky hovering over the event. I knew that this shield was to provide protection for all. It also symbolised the faith of all the people gathered together there. I saw Angus lifting his hands up high and I saw millions of black birds arising behind him for a final onslaught against this event and Christians all over in our land, but all the birds flew against the golden shield and disintegrated into nothingness. In their stead I saw thousands upon thousands of white doves being released from within the people's hearts. These doves were like racing doves sent out with messages all over the country. It was the prayers of the people being blessed by God and sent out to accomplish their purpose.

I then saw flickering lights, flickering the whole time. And I realised that it was the gifts of God raining down on the people in answer to their prayers. I saw this twice, as if God wanted to emphasize this. I also saw a soft mist of God's presence raining down on the people. I saw how it softly penetrated the skin of the people. I saw how this presence, this life of God, brought healing to the people and enveloped them with love.

Then the farm Wilde Als (where the meeting was held) began spinning and the ground started to form circles just like the Olympic circles and I realised that this meeting, these blessings were not just for South Africa, but for the whole world. All of creation is waiting and groaning for the manifestation of the sons of God, for the sons of God to stand up! (For all of creation waits eagerly for the children of God to be revealed. All of creation will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God. Romans 8:19, 21)

Then an amazing thing happened. I saw a whole army arise all around the people there. I saw angels of fire standing on chariots being led by horses of fire. Just like the army Elisha saw (2 Kings 6:17). It was a glorious sight! I got goose bumps when I realised the following: They were waiting for orders from the kings and queens. As the kings and queens prayed to God, orders were given from Heaven and they were sent out, legion after legion. I cannot tell you the power and the majesty being unleashed! It is unprecedented and all because people humbled themselves and prayed to their God.

Then I saw a whirlwind like wind blowing over all the kings and queens holding hands and I saw them disappearing into the wind. I saw that the wind was Jesus standing above the stage and blowing His life over all. All the kings and queens in the whirlwind were transformed into one figure. Emerging from this wind Jesus' bride appeared, towering over all the landscape, beautiful and radiant. She stood tall and stately as the pinnacle of His creation. She was the epitome of loveliness and grace, filled with the peace and authority given to her by Jesus. But even more glorious than she was (I do not have the words to describe) was Jesus. He stood tall in all His majesty and Shekinah glory and He extended His hand towards His bride. He had a soft smile on His face, a smile of satisfaction, a smile of deeply grounded love. His eyes conveyed how proud He was of her, how deep His adoration for her was. She took His hand and glory upon glory cascaded into a kaleidoscope of colours and brilliance. It was the highlight of the day and all of Heaven was standing in awe. All of a sudden it wasn't just about South Africa, but about God's redemptive plan for the world. It was all about God living within man. It was about God uniting with mankind and being one with him. It was about God living and breathing within man. It was about God loving mankind and walking with them in the cool of the day.

It was the most beautiful sight to see and one that will stay with me forever. And I knew that everything will be just fine. All anxiety, all fear, all worries disintegrate in the presence of Greatness. God's love truly conquers all.

I saw Jesus leaving, walking hand in hand with His bride, leading her to change her community, to change her country, to change the world. He will show her the way, He will give her instructions and He will help her. She will never be alone, left to fend for herself. All she needs to do is to stay close to Him, to listen to His voice and to continue walking hand in hand. Then all will be well, all will be well.

Hallelujah! All glory on High! The Prince of Peace is alive and He loves us and leads us beside still waters. He will bring us to green pastures and will prepare a table for us in the presence of our enemies. He will anoint our heads with oil. Our cup will run over and we will be blessed in His house forever.

"Because He has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My Name. He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. With a long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation." Psalm 91:14-16

PS God clearly told me that this vision applies to all Christians throughout the country that has a heart for Him, that prays to Him and who walks with Him, not only to those who were physically present in Bloemfontein, though they are symbolic of what happened right throughout the country.

1 comment for “87. Vision received on 22 April”

  1. Gravatar of KarlienKarlien
    Posted Monday, 24 April 2017 at 11:59:15 AM

    Thank you for sharing your powerful vision with us Ilse, I know that this comes from God and you are His faithful servant.. I can also picture Jesus standing on the stage blowing His life over us, His deeply grounded love for all. May He bless you and your family abundantly in your walk with Him..

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