95. Easter 2019

It is Easter and I am once again reminded of how much God loves us. He gave up His most precious Son, in order to have us as His sons and daughters. And as His sons and daughters, we have access to His liberal fountain of love. Psalm 36:7-9 in the Passion Translation displays this perfectly:

"O God, how extravagant is Your cherishing love! All mankind can find a hiding place under the shadow of Your wings. All may drink of the anointing from the abundance of Your house. All may drink their fill from the delightful springs of Eden. To know You is to experience a flowing fountain, drinking in Your life, springing up to satisfy."

Isn't it beautiful? We can find a hiding place from all terror, all crime, all stress under the shadow of His wings. But notice that it says 'under the shadow'. To be under someone's shadow, one needs to be close to him. And that is exactly what God desires. We can be His children, but not necessarily be close to Him. But that is His heart's desire, our closeness to Him. He wants us to experience Him as He truly is and He wants us to experience His unconditional love up close and personal.

It is when we are up close and personal that we can drink from the anointing of the abundance of His house. We can drink our fill from the delightful springs of Eden. We will never thirsty, but we will be hydrated, ready to take on anything that the world might throw at us.

Then when we spend the time with Him and in His Word, we get to know Him, truly know Him and His heart beat for this world. It is then that we experience a soothing flowing fountain springing up inside of us. This fountain will provide life for us as it should be and we will be satisfied. We will have true Shalom, the way things ought to be. We will be content with where we are and with what we have, we will be filled to the brim with Him and more and more of Him. Hallelujah! We will have our heart's desires because it will be in line with His heartbeat.

And all this is ours because Jesus died on the cross. Life in abundance is there for the taking because Jesus opened the way for us. We have free access to the delightful springs of Eden, preserved for the sons and daughters of the Most High. We can commune in His presence and spend quality time with Him, because the veil was torn. And there in His presence are the answers of all of life's questions. There is all that we need for our time here on earth. There is all the wisdom, health, peace, wellness and strength that we need. We simply need to enter in.

Are you ready to enter in? Are you ready to experience so much more in this life? It is freely available to you, Jesus opened the way. He is the way, the truth and the life. Take His hand and allow Him to lead you on His destined road for you. So many Christians wander off the best pathway for their lives. Do not allow that to happen to you. Stay close to Him, He will lead and guide you. He wants what is best for you. Trust in Him, give over to Him and allow Him to breathe His life into you. He wants to; you simply need to allow Him.

Father, thank you for sending Your precious Son to us. Thank you that we can rejoice and honor Him! Thank you that He opened the way for us to enter into Your holy presence. It is such an honor and a privilege and yet we take it for granted so many times. We are sorry and want to stay under the shadow of Your wings. There we are safe and secure, able to drink of the fountain of life. Hallelujah! We praise and honor You! Amen

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