43. Sacrifice this world

Last week we finished off with the Most Holy Place. We learned that we can leave all our worries and cares there, because God cares for us with an affectionate love that cannot be fathomed. He has all our problems safely within His hands. We must just leave it there and trust Him inexplicitly with it.

Today I want us to draw everything together. I want us to start by having a look at what the outer court as a whole meant.

We saw that the altar meant that we must sacrifice our idols.

The Sea symbolized that we must wash ourselves clean from this world. The perfect Trinity wants His children to be formed into His likeness so that they can go into all directions and spread His Kingdom and Word, everywhere, all encompassing. He wants us to be strong. He wants us to resist the urge and the temptations of this world. He wants us to choose Him no matter what the circumstances are. He wants us loyal to Him. He wants us to stand up for Him even though it might not be the popular thing to do. And in this whole process He doesn't want us to worry.

The ten water basins showed us that we are the righteousness (blamelessness) of God IN Christ, not out of our own strength, but through HIM shining and living through us. Out of our own strength we will get tired and drained, but through Him anything is possible! He wants us to stay close to Him, clothed with His righteousness, standing in His victory. There in His presence we are surrounded by mighty power and the ultimate Ruler ship, equipping us for the road ahead. We realize that this is all grace and then (and only then) can we step out and be strong groundbreakers for Him, standing up for what is right, all the way praising His glorious Name and flourishing where we are!

In summary God wants us to sacrifice all that we are. In fact we shouldn't be living anymore, but His Son should live through us. We should wash ourselves clean from this world, and then put on the robe of righteousness given to us by Christ as a gift. The whole outer court wants us to realize that this world shouldn't be that important to us anymore. Christ is all that matters, His Kingdom and His glory. While in the outer court we should realize that all He wants us to do is to enter into the Temple, into His presence. There everything will make sense. There is all wisdom and all the answers to life.

Unfortunately the way of the world is very focused on the outward. The world looks at status, money, fame, fortune, looks and abilities. It doesn't look at the heart. The true fruit of the Spirit is not rewarded and in many regards seen as weakness. But as God says, what the world deems to be weak and futile, is strong in the Spirit. God wants us freed from this worldly system. He wants us to walk on water, all the while looking up at Him. He wants us close to Him, living for a Kingdom so much greater than our own. And when we truly make His Kingdom our primary concern, then all things will be added unto us. God wants us to excel in this world, He wants us to obtain positions where we can influence a lot of people for His sake, but He wants us to do it His way. And His way certainly looks different from this world's way. But His way leads to true and everlasting success. Are you ready?

Spend time this week and honestly look at your life. Are there certain areas you still need to let go, to sacrifice for His Name? Do it this week and walk liberated from this world. Walk freed from the oppression and depression that it brings. True joy can only be found when you truthfully follow Him and His ways. Hallelujah! God is good, always. Stay close to Him.

Father, we want to let go of this world and all its tentacles that it has in our lives. Show us clearly the areas that we haven't fully surrendered to You. We want to follow You and You alone, always and without restraint, or anything holding us back. Thank You that You are faithful and will show us the way. We love You with an everlasting love. Amen


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