98. New Year 2020

Happy New Year! I know we are already two weeks into the New Year, but I just wanted to say from my side, happy New Year! May we all stand in awe of all the miracles of God, all His goodness and grace this year!

A dear friend of mine commented the other day that the year 2020 reminded her of having 20/20 vision. I therefore Googled 20/20 vision and the following definition was given:

"20/20 is a term used to express normal visual acuity (the clarity or sharpness of vision) measured at a distance of 20 feet. If you have 20/20 vision you can see clearly at 20 feet."

So in essence if you have 20/20 vision you have good eye sight. And this made me think. Isn't that the essence of the message for us all for the year 2020? That we should all sharpen our spiritual eyesight so that we can see clearly what God wants us to do.

God has a special plan for us all; we just need our spiritual eyesight to clearly see the way, not only for this life, but for our place in the Kingdom of God. It is when we try to walk and plan our lives with our physical eyes that we stumble and fall. It is when we see everything in the natural that we get despondent and off the course that God has planned for us. We need to open our spiritual eyes to see the world as He sees it. In fact we need to see beyond this world, into the eternal Kingdom of our God and Savior. And how do we do that? Scripture tells us:

"Seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth." Colossians 3:1, 2

"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." Romans 12:2

We need to renew our minds, to focus on Heavenly things and not on earthly things. We need to believe what is true of us in the spiritual and to walk as the sons of God, the royalty that we are. We need to see beyond this world into His Kingdom and our special role in it. We need to see Jesus lifted high; we need to see Him living in His fullness within us and guiding us on the way forward. We need to enter into His rest for us. That is our Promised Land. He has already done everything for us; we simply need to accept His grace and rest in that. Therein lies true freedom and victory.

The number 20 according to the 'Numbers dictionary - Martin van der Merwe' means reward:

"Period of fullness and completion and expectation (completing the period of waiting) that you will receive your reward."

I truly believe our reward is in walking with our spiritual eyes alongside the Prince of Peace. If we walk hand in hand with Him, we will experience His fullness, His joy, His love, His Shalom, His glory, His life. What more can we want from 2020?

May our reward be glorious, so glorious that we can only praise His Name and lift Him higher and higher, exalting Him and praising Him and in the process draw others closer to Him. Drawing people closer to Him is your main purpose and if you can achieve that this year, 2020 will be ticked off as a very successful year!

Dear Father, thank you so much for the privilege to be alive and to be able to experience another year! We want to have perfect 20/20 spiritual vision this year. We want to see our lives as You see it. Please help us in our journey, we know You will and we thank you for that! We want to walk hand in hand with You this year, rejoicing in Your goodness and grace. Amen

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