44. Are you engaged in your life

As part of the PERMA model we are discussing I would like to expand on the second letter E:

E - Engagement

Being engaged with what you are doing means to be there in the moment, to be present and to flow. Unfortunately, human minds tend to wander. According to research done by Killingsworth and Gilbert from Harvard University, a wandering mind is not a happy mind. The ability to think is a cognitive achievement, but it comes with an emotional cost (chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/viewer.html?pdfurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwjhwww.harvard.edu%2F~dtg%2FKILLINGSWORTH%2520%26%2520GILBERT%2520%25282010%2529.pdf&clen=170965&chunk=true - 3 March 2022).

Not many of us are engaged with what we are doing at the moment. We are all over the show, either in the past or in the future, or we are busy thinking of other things instead of the task at hand. This research of Killingsworth and Gilbert shows that what people were thinking whilst doing something was a better predictor of their happiness than what they were actually doing. So let's say you like to exercise, but while you are exercising you are thinking negative thoughts. You are still angry with your boss, and you still feel that you were overlooked with your promotion, etc. Then a lot of the benefits of exercising are lost. A blank mind/neutral mind is also not great; it can deduct up to 10 percent from your happiness. But if you think of pleasant things-see the sky, the flowers, enjoy what you are doing, tell yourself that you are so happy now- it contributes up to 10 percent on top of the activity that you are doing. So if you want to work on your happiness, then do those activities that you like doing, but make sure that your mind is present. Tell yourself that you are so happy now, that you are enjoying the moment, and that you are loving your life. Notice the small, yet beautiful things all around you and appreciate that.

We live in a province that is not known for its physical beauty. Our family, on the other hand, lives in arguably one of the most beautiful places on the planet. Often I would imagine myself living there instead of where we were living. I would imagine the mountains and the sea and all the beauty surrounding me, and I would think that I would be so much happier if we just lived there. However, we had a good business where we lived, so it would be wise to stay right where we were. So one day I just decided that I am going to see the beauty where we live, and I am going to love it and enjoy every minute of it. Since making that decision, I have seen so many beautiful things. I have learned to appreciate so many things right where we were living (like the weather, we definitely have the best weather in the world!). I can truly say that I now love to stay right where we are. I am enjoying it, and I feel fulfilled. It was just a mind shift, and it has made all the difference for me. Just making conscious decisions to be engaged and mindful and happy right where you are can change your whole world. Therein lies so much happiness locked up, waiting for you to just turn the key and unlock it.

Also, when you are socializing make sure that you are present in the conversation. Have you ever had coffee/lunch with someone who checks their phone every few minutes? How does this make you feel? Do you feel valued and important, or do you feel as if you do not really matter to this person? Of course you do not feel valued or important, because the person is not engaged in your conversation; they are distracted and all over the show. And the distraction of social media has a lot to do with it.

Social media can be a great tool in so many areas, but it has totally disengaged us from the world. Social media can be incredibly disconnecting and can actually make you feel very lonely. Obsession with likes, shares, etcetera can become very unhealthy very quickly. And the more isolated and lonely we feel, the more we go on our phones, and it just makes matters worse. It is an evil cycle. We then try and post just the best so that others will like us, but in fact, we are breaking inside and just seeing how others are having "fun," which is mostly fake as well.

Social media is tightening its grip on us and stealing our time and energy. Beware that social media blurs opinion and fact. It is free from standards and sanctions and can be providing misinformation (half-truths) and disinformation (untruths) leading you to a very different destination that has the ability to make you very unhappy. Remember, there is a thing such as "bad science." We rely on YouTube for all information instead of on facts. Most of them do not have the scientific backgrounds to say what they are saying. It leads us to become dangerously superstitious, being fooled by pseudoscience, and becoming uninterestingly irrational and conspiratorial. Conspiracies can make you dangerously irrational. Unlearn dangerous mind-capture and rather follow God's Word and His guidelines and scientific studies combined with the experience of many years of experts. God will show you what to believe and what to do about your beliefs. He cares about you affectionately and passionately; He doesn't want you to be twisted up in lies. He wants you to be free and to enjoy the present moment.

We need to be engaged again in what we are doing. When you are spending time with God or a friend, put the phone away. When you are working, focus on your work, rather than checking your emails every few minutes. I have the ability to concentrate for long periods on end, and this has helped me tremendously with my studies and work. But the last couple of years I have noticed my attention span shortening. For example, I will be working, then suddenly I will wonder if it is going to rain this afternoon, then I check my phone, and in the process I'll see a WhatsApp as well as an email, with links to videos that I must see, and before I know it forty minutes are wasted. I wasn't engaged in what I was doing. Then I feel bad about the wasted time and try to make it up until something else distracts me. It got really bad. I had to force myself to keep my phone away and look at it only when I take breaks and not before. I also left most social media sites, as they stole at least an hour of my day. Slowly but surely my attention span has improved, and I get so much more done, which in turn leads to me feeling happier about my progress. But what about teenagers who do not have the self-discipline to do it? I have so much sympathy! We as parents should help them and give them the right guidance.

We need to be engaged in what we are doing, we need to be in the present moment, and then do our best. But if you make a mess in the process of trying your best, then it is not such a big deal. We are not superhuman beings; we all make mistakes. Ask yourself: Will this still matter in ten hours, ten days, ten months, in ten years' time? How bad is this really? Make amends as far as you can, forgive yourself if need be, learn from your mistakes, and move on. Do not be too hard on yourself; you tried.

Also, part of being engaged in the moment is meditation, prayer, and deep breathing. These three elements help a great deal to keep you in the present moment and to allow His Spirit to flow though you. After all, God's Name is the great "I AM," not the great "I WAS" or the great "I WILL BE." God lives in the present moment. In this moment, He engages with us and deals with us. It is the present, the gift that He blessed us with. His grace is sufficient for today; we needn't waste it on tomorrow (Matthew 6:34). Rather, live in His presence today, in this moment, and experience the grace that He wants to bless you with. Be here, in the moment, right now. It is truly a very precious gift. Do not miss out on all the wonderful things that God is blessing you with. It is all around, waiting to be discovered by those who take the time to do so.

(Excerpt from Flourishing: God's way by Ilze Henderson)

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