36. Receive life in abundance

Last week we had a look at the ten menorahs that were standing in the Holy Place in the Temple. These menorahs represented His Spirit Who wants to communicate with us and wants us to grow in maturity in Him so that He can entrust us with even more.

Today I want us to have a look at the golden table of showbread. This table had twelve breads on it, representing the twelve tribes of Israel. Once a week the priest would come in and exchange the old breads with new ones. He could eat of the bread, but only in the Holy Place. He couldn't take it outside as it was holy.

Now according to the 'Tabernacle place' website the symbolism was as follows:

"Showbread" also was called "bread of the presence" because it was to be always in the Lord's presence. The table and the bread were a picture of God's willingness to fellowship and communion (literally speaking, sharing something in common) with man. It was like an invitation to share a meal, an extension of friendship. Eating together often is an act of fellowship. God was willing for man to enter into His presence to fellowship with Him, and this invitation was always open."

Isn't it a wonderful symbol? God wants us to fellowship with Him. Jesus showed this to us too. Throughout His ministry He would eat with all kinds of people, with 'obvious' sinners, with His disciples and with religious people. He ate with everyone and fellowshipped with everyone. He came to show God's heart of love to all.

And in John 6:33, 35 He made a profound statement to the people of the day:

"For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. I am the bread of life."

Jesus was in fact saying the time for the showbread has come to an end. He is now the bread of life. He is the One fellowshipping with them. He even went a step further with the Holy Communion and said that they must eat the bread of life now:

"And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, "Take, eat; this is My body." Matthew 26:26

Jesus wants us to eat of the bread of life, Him. He wants us to fellowship with Him and to take in the life that He came to give us. He came to give us life and life in abundance (John 10:10). But we must understand this principle. True life is in the Holy Place, surrounded by His Spirit, fellowshipping with Jesus. True life is found in being close to Him. True life is where He is. The question is where are you? If we are still running around in the outer court yard, chasing after this world, craving after things that will fade away, then we cannot have true life. We will get tired and worn out. We will get discouraged and lose hope. Our bodies wouldn't be able to cope and our minds will be racing. And at the end of the day we will be wondering where this abundance of life is that Jesus promised us. But you see we haven't been soaking in His presence, we haven't been fellowshipping with Him. We haven't been growing in the spirit as He wants us to. He has given us everything we need to succeed on a spiritual level, but we do not take it. We rather run around on the outside and Jesus is standing with all His fullness inside, waiting for us to come to Him.

Go in and fellowship with Him. Take Holy Communion and share in His sacrifice. Drink in His blood filled with life and eat His body, the bread of life. See how His life flows through your veins. Be quiet with Him and be filled to the brim with His life and life in abundance.

Thank you Jesus that You came to give us life and life more abundantly! You have given it freely to us. The problem is that we are too busy to take it. We are so sorry about that. We want to fellowship with You and spend more time with You. We love to do that, with You alongside us. Amen


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